Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Mama's boy.

We had a great weekend with Izzy man. We stayed Friday night with a friend, Lew, who retired from here a few years ago, and his wife Betsy, and Izzy was pretty good. About as good as you can expect a one-year old to be, that is. Lew put in "Finding Nemo" for Izzy to watch, and we went ahead and let him, even though we don't let Izzy watch TV yet. At the beginning of the movie, a robot is moving around and there is loud music playing. Izzy watched for a second, and then the sound blasted out suddenly, and he climbed up in my lap in a flash. I hadn't ever seen him scared before, but once. When he was about 4 months old, he was in the bassinet part of the play pen, and I ran up and said, "Boo!" Let's just say he didn't find it all that funny.

He did another cute thing I hadn't seen him do before. I was sitting in the floor, cross-legged, while the movie was playing, and Izzy walked over to me, climbed up in my lap, then scooted his legs in the floor, under mine, so that he was wedged in, and I had no choice but to wrap my arms around him too. Oh, the things I'll do for that boy.

A couple of other new things he's done lately - he walked from the dining room to the living room last night and I counted 15 steps before his butt hit the ground - a new record! This morning we get to mom's and I carry little man in to his PaPa. Izzy always wants to go to him first. They stand up and go out to look at the painting Dad did on his workshop (NICE!) and then they walk me out the front door to wave bye-bye to me. Izzy's been doing this for a while, but we've been working on blowing mama a kiss too. Usually, this meant he would smack himself in the eye, or lodge his pinkie in a nostril in the process, but this morning, I took my hand and put it up to my mouth and said, "Mmmmmwhua!" and threw my arm out to the side in a poetic gesture. Okay, maybe it was a goofy gesture. Whatever. What matters is that Izzy did it back! It was so awesome! He put his outstretched hand, with all of his fingers splayed out, smacked it over his mouth and said, "Muah!" It was pretty freakin' awesome.

Just wish he didn't have to wave bye-bye so often to me.

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