Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday was also a lousy day.

I wake up this morning to a horrible hacking coughing, followed by gagging. I run it to see Sophie sleeping away, but coughing like an old man. I take her back to my room, and I scoot Izzy over so that we can lay back down and I realize that he's peed the bed. OUR bed, that's right. Sit at the end of the bed and nurse Sophie and wait till Izzy wakes up. Which is about 9:15. I tell him he's peed the bed, so he should run on to the bathroom to make sure he doesn't do it again.

He jumps up and I go to help him, because he can't pull the wet pj's and underwear off. He pees a ton. We get in the shower immediately, then he heads through the house while I get Sophie. He climbs up on a chair in the kitchen and then pees himself. I see what he's done, lay Sophie back down, and I ask him, "Izzy, why did you pee your pants?" He looks at me, cocks his head and asks me in a very sarcastic tone, "Why mama?" This kid is a handful.

Get it all cleaned up and wash him off again, then we head to eat. As I'm fixing breakfast, Sophie starts screaming her head off. While I'm feeding her and myself, Izzy gets a little jealous, as he does every morning, and he insists that I feed him too. Bite for him, bite for Sophie, bite for me.

Get him cleaned up again, get Sophie all purtied up, and sit down to nurse her again. Izzy is playing under the coffee table when he darts off down the hallway. I open the door he has slammed in my face and he's already pooped in his pants. AGAIN. I take his underwear off, dump the poop and then decided that I just wasn't up to washing out underwear two days in a row, so I took it to the trash can. When I came back, he was standing there waiting for me and started clapping - he had pooped more in the potty. That was good - but then I had to clean tons of poop up from all over the potty.

Get it cleaned up, put Izzy back into the shower. After he was once again clean, the rest of the day was uneventful. An old coworker came by for a visit, took Sophie to the doctor. That was another lousy thing, actually. She just has a cold, which is good, but Izzy is being normal active noisy Izzy and the doctor actually said to me, "Is he like this all day long?" Is he ever. He starts to say it might be due to the baby, but I stop him and tell him that he's just a high-spirited boy. He laughs and tell the resident "Always listen to the mom's. They know what's up!"

Then Chris was about a half hour late getting to mom's house for dinner and I was waiting for him. Regretted that after about the first 15 minutes.

But the kids went down without a ton of trouble. Sophie was a little fussy, but she settled down after about a half hour, so it wasn't too awful bad. But her hacking cough sounds just terrible.

Izzy went down pretty easily - only got up once. At this point, after the last two days, that's like winning the lottery.

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