Thursday, December 22, 2005

I shall call him Dervy.

der·vish (dûrvsh)
n: One that possesses abundant, often frenzied energy: "[She] is a dervish of unfocused energy, an accident about to happen." (Jane Gross).

whir·ling der·vish
n : a dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling

Chris often wonders why, if I truly love being a SAHM sooo much, which I do, then why do I sometimes want a break from it? Well, let me give you three reasons.

1. When I got out of the shower this morning, Sophie was ready for her nap. So Izzy lays down in my room to watch cartoons, all wrapped up in his towel, while I get Sophie cleaned up and dressed, and put her down to sleep in her crib. When I come back into my room, Izzy is sitting on Chris's side of the bed with a huge circle of baking soda all around him on the bed and on his legs, and he's smacking his lips in a most disgusted manner.

2. I get him cleaned up and dressed and I head back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. As I'm washing my face, I absent-mindedly walked back to the bedroom to check on Izzy. He had Gammie's foot (our black dog) in one hand and the staple remover in the other. "No!" I tell him, "What the heck are you doing??" He says, "I cut doggy nail!"

3. I hide the staple remover since I have no idea where it came from, and I go back and brush my teeth and put in my contacts. I walk back into the bedroom and Izzy is very carefully studying Gammie's ear. She's sitting quietly, so I walk over to see what he's doing. He has one of my Christmas earrings in his hand and he's diligently trying to get it into Gammie's non-pierced ear.

I'd continue, but now I need to go re-string the garland on the tree, take a breakable Santa out of Izzy's hand, and change Sophie's poopy diaper. Never mind - the Santa is now on the floor...

1 comment:

Maisyday said...

What--you don't think Gammie would look nice with pierced ears? :)