Sunday, January 15, 2006

My poor Izzy.

Last night I keep being woken up by Sophie fussing in our bed, laying in between me and Chris. I figured he'd gone and got her and brought to her to bed without me waking up. I had a paci on my bedside table and I got it and kept trying to get her to take it. I jabbed and jabbed at her mouth, several times during the night, but she kept her lips sealed tight. I think she may have taken it once, but she DID NOT want that paci!

Then at about 7 a.m. this morning, she starts wailing! I freaked, because THE NOISE WAS COMING FROM HER BEDROOM. What happened? Did she fall out of bed? Has she crawled down the hall without us noticing? I was in a panic as I jerked up and looked at the bed between us. Where Izzy was sleeping peacefully.

With a paci laying beside his head.

1 comment:

BikeMom said...

Oh that is so is a good thing he didn't take the pacifier!