After I posted my last entry, I was checking where my visitors are coming from. Speaking of which - why don't you all leave comments anymore??? I like 'em.
Anyhow, I came across one person that looked at tons of my pages, so I started looking through my past entries and I came upon the following, written in Jun 2004, right after Izzy had turned one year old. Here it is:
TITLE: Working. :-(
I love my job. But I hate working now. It's torture to leave Izzy every day, even though I know he's in good hands since I leave him with my mom. But it's just not the same as being with his momma. Sometimes, my mom will come to Charleston and have to leave him with me. I love those times...but it's getting more difficult to have him up here and get anything done. He's a little monster. Darn cute little monster, but a monster nonetheless. Every day I rip a little piece off of my heart and leave it at my mom's until I'm able to get back down the road. Is it worth it? That's what Chris and I are trying to figure out now. We love our lifestyle, being able to buy pretty much whatever we want - which for me means spending copious amounts of money on Izzy trying to make it up to him for abandoning him every day. Meanwhile, he spends most of his waking hours outside of his own home, while his mom and dad spend most of theirs missing him. It's really not much of a life for any of us. If I were to quit work, which is a thought never far from my mind, then we'd move closer to Chris's work, and he would also have a great deal more time with Izzy. But man would our lifestyle change. Thriftiness would be no problem, but could I ever adjust to being a Stay-at-Home mom? I have no idea. I love the thought of it...
I need to refer back to the bad ol' days a little more often. It's better to be bitched at then to be away from my babies.
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