On the Grammy's. It was awesome. I love that song. When I was younger, I was a HUGE Beatles fan, and I still dig their music. The first song Izzy ever heard, other than his Aunt Mimi singing Happy Birthday to him, was "Imagine." Now I have a picture frame with "Imagine" printed on it, with his picture in it. Anyhow, I didn't think he sounded very good, but it was awesome all the same.
I had such a kick-ass time in Florida! It was gorgeous. Izzy and I had a grand time playing in the surf. Everyone else (we went with Chris's in-laws) had a great time laying on the beach, but me and Izzy were all about the water. And the seashells. Brought back about 10 gorgeous, whole, conch shells. We were the only ones on the beach most of the day we got to get in the water. The rest of the time was too cold to get more than our ankles wet, but it rocked all the same.
When I got back here, my sister Crystal had come in from Baltimore and put together a Super Bowl party, which was tons of fun too. While there, she gave the kids their Valentine's Day presents since she would be out of town then. Sophie got a bikini, hairbands, and a Valentine's t-shirt and Izzy got a cool SpongeBob lunch box which he has insisted on carrying everywhere since. I got a Willow Creek figurine, of which I have several.This one has two dark-haired sisters leaning against each other and holding hands, and is entitled, "Two Alike." So appropriate! I love it. Then mom and dad gave each of us girls a Christmas present that had taken a while to come in. Mine is a book for your first-born child. It is so cool, and I love it. It's written about the general personality traits that first born children have and I was actually shocked at how accurate it was for me. What a wonderful keepsake.
My life is so happy and so full of people that love me and my children, and husband. We are very, very lucky.
One sweet beach story and then I'm outta here: Chris, Izzy, Sophie and I walked down to the boardwalk when it was dark, and we sat on the benches looking at the stars. I was holding Izzy and I looked up at the stars and I said, "Izzy, look how beautiful the stars are - they look like a bunch of little lights, don't they?" Yeah, I know, I'm so profound it's painful.
He said no, then he looks up and starts singing, "Twinkle, twinkle little star." This kid gives my tear ducts a good workout.
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