Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My font of self-confidence.

I was reading the other morning while Sophie was playing quietly beside me (for a change) and Izzy was watching cartoons. He walked over and picked up the scrap of paper up that I was using as a bookmark and asked me what it said.

"Izzy is a pretty boy," I said, handing the paper back to him. Earlier that day he had walked up to me, cocked his head to the side, and told me, "I pretty boy!" I had to agree, of course.

He took the paper and studied it very closely, brow furrowed. Then he read it back to me, in a stilted voice that enunciated each syllable, "So-phie is pret-ty. Ma-ma is pret-ty."

I love this kid more every single minute.

1 comment:

ndlightningbug said...

I love it!