Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More about Sophie's miserable birthday...

In the spirit of full disclosure: I'm copying from my baby board, because I'm lazy...

We went swimming Friday, which was Sophie's actual birthday, then that night at 7 pm she started throwing up. I attributed this to probably swallowing some pool water. She slept from midnight until 7, which is amazing for her, then immediately started with the throwing up and diarrhea. And a temp of 102. I called the doc and he told me that if I couldn't cancel the party, then to just keep her away from other kids. There was only one other nearly-one year old there, one two year old, and then an 8 year old, so that was pretty easy to do, but I couldn't cancel the party because of the out-of-town relatives that had come in just for her party.

It all came off okay, just a little delayed because she wanted to be held all morning. In fact, she's still sick and sitting here on my lap as I type. She was heartbreaking- just leaned up against one of us, not cracking a smile. Her fever started breaking about an hour after the party started and she enjoyed a little of it. Wouldn't eat a bite of her cake - or her ice cream cake, which we got because she’s such an ice cream fiend. We've saved her some and hopefully she'll be up to eating it tonight. She looks so skinny now - she was pretty slim to start off with, and now she's barely eaten anything in the last four days - but she’s nursing great. I had slowly started weaning her, and that's off now.

The food was awesome. We had a Love theme, as per her name, and we cut hearts out of watermelon and cheese, my dad made heart-shaped sausage balls, we had heart-shaped crackers, and my sister and I made heart-shaped ham and cream cheese sandwiches. Her ice-cream cake was heart-shaped too. It was all so darn cute, but the party just felt weird because she felt so bad. Better luck next year, right??

Oh, and the board seems to think that this picture actually sums up her first birthday...and I have to agree:

My poor little pookie.

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