We went shopping tonight and on our way home we decided to stop by Wendy's for a couple of Frosty's. Chris and Izzy decided they wanted hamburgers, too, so I figured I'd eat half of Izzy's.
We get home and he refuses to share. Then he decides he wants part of my Frosty. I tell him sure, but only if I can have part of his hamburger.
He says okay, and he very carefully tears me off a piece...of his BUN. And a tiny piece at that. "Here go, mama - you hamburger," he said happily.
Baby jerk.
To him it was a large part of his hamburger. The question is, did you share your frosty?
You are SUCH a MaMa. I gave him a tiny bite until he tore me off a piece of hamburger, then I gave him a big scoop.
I don't have sucker written all over MY face!!
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