Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Life in Monkey Town

I was going to type Crazy Town, but I remembered a funny. We [I] named the playroom down here "Monkey Town," and I sing a song for them, a la Funky Town, "Won't you take me DOWN to MONKEY TOWN?!" The children think I'm a hilarious genius. The funny part, however, is that I never actually planned on telling anyone about that, but Izzy very proudly told our cousin, Brittany, who is in college and came here for the weekend with Chris's parents, that he wanted to show her Monkey Town. Then he sang her the song, much to her glee. Glee, I say, because she was laughing her butt off at me as I turned red and explained.

Anyhow, back to today. We're getting ready to go out to the pool now and I asked Izzy to grab the bowl of blueberries, and then I asked Sophie to grab the phone because she always has to help when Izzy does. Izzy says to me, "Sorry, I can't hear you because of the music in my head." I look at him and he explains, pointing to his head, "There's a battery in here."

"Oh," I say, because really, what more could I say?

"Hold on a minute so I can turn it down," he says, reaching up and making turning motions at his ear. "Now, what did you say?"

I asked him again to grab the blueberries. He runs and grabs them, then runs back to the top of the steps where I am and says, "Oh, hold on."

He reaches up and adjusts the volume again with his ear, and then dances down the steps, head bobbing and shoulders swaying to the music only he can hear.

Music so loud that he can't hear us over it. But I can tell by his smooth moves that it has a good beat.

As I just now read over that, he handed me a purple plastic box with a blue-striped towel in it, and a pink basket off of Sophie's doll carriage with a lighthouse beach towel in and he said to me, "Will you carry my towel and your towel, and I'll carry baby's towel, okay?"

Her towel is watermelon-printed, and doesn't have to be carried in plastic to the pool. Duh.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Cute! Especially turning down the volume! :-)

PS--Aren't you proud of me? I'm reading your blog!!! :-)