Saturday, November 24, 2007

It's war.

At dinner tonight, I sat breathing in my nose and out my mouth, fighting to keep my chicken pot pie in my tummy, and I told Chris, "I'm so tired of my stomach being the enemy."

He said, "First you don't want it to be your friend, now you don't want it to be your enemy, what do you want?"

"I want peace," I told him.

But that's not really true. What I really want is to be able to eat anything I want and not gain weight. Which I guess is kind of what pregnancy does to me.

In a miserable, icky way.

1 comment:

MaMa Norma said...

I know it's rough and it kills me to see you so sick but hang in there. It's worth it in the end when you hold another beautiful baby in your arms and know it's a job well done.