Thursday, July 03, 2008

Update on Suzi and an Izzy & Sophie story too.

Suzi seems to be fine. They said the monitor showed several instances of periodic newborn breathing, and that as her respiratory system matures, they will phase out. It’s perfectly normal and something that most babies do. They are keeping her tonight to monitor her again and make sure, but it all appears to be normal. Chris is again staying with her. He's a good daddy.

The nurse told me today that it’s actually more common to see an older mom such as myself noticing the odd breathing pattern, but it very rarely turns out to be anything serious. THANK GOD. It’s been a truly nerve wracking couple of weeks, but I’m hopeful that tomorrow will start the upward trend again. Our little cookout has exploded and everyone we know is coming now. Seems a baby in the hospital is a good way to draw people up to see you!

Many thanks to all of you who kept her in your thoughts and prayers. Many thanks also to my baby board who brightened my day with a lovely basket of flowers!

And now, for a sad, sweet, cute story:

Izzy got a pogo stick for his birthday, a new-fangled blow up one. He was swinging it around tonight and accidentally hit Sophie with it. He quickly turned to her and said, "I'm sorry!," and at the same time Mom yelled at him, "Isaac, how many times today have I told you not to swing that in the house?" He started screaming, "But I said I was sorry!," then he burst into tears and ran to me at the same time as a screaming and crying Sophie ran to me.

I wrapped my arms around both of them until they calmed down some, then I told explained to Izzy that we were glad he told Sophie he was sorry, but he still had been told to not swing the toy in the house numerous times. He stomped away, but Sophie kept clinging to me.

After a while, she sadly looked up at me and said, rubbing her hand over her chest, "Mommy, my heart isn't happy and laughing anymore. My heart is sad."

"It is?," I asked. "How come?"

So sadly she answered, "Because Izzy doesn't like me anymore."

"Oh yes he does, sweetie," I told her, then I looked at Izzy: "Tell her you still like her."

"But I don't like her," he said. "I've NEVER liked her!"

"Well, I like you a whole lot," I told Sophie. Mom told her she liked her a lot as well.

With a serious and sincere expression, she looked up at me with those big green eyes and said, "My heart is happy now since you like me," then she gave me a big hug.

Man, it's been a long couple of weeks for all of us.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Happy 4th of July! I'm sorry I'm not there. :-(