Saturday, February 21, 2009

Conversation with my family.

Scene: I walk out of the bathroom after having dried my hair, which I very, very rarely do. I'm wearing a girly sweater, which I also very rarely do, except sometimes now on the weekends since Chris has asked me to occasionally look more like a girl. *rolls eyes* We've spent the morning discussing this request, Chris and I.

Izzy: Mom, you look really good! I really like your hair like that! (Reaches up to gently stroke my hair.)

Me, to Chris: See, now that's what I expect!

Chris: I have to give you feedback all the time just to get you to look like a girl sometimes??

Me: You do if you want me to keep it up.

Sophie: Mom, you look awesome, well, except for maybe that necklace...

Me: One of us in the room takes after her father, and one of us in this room takes after his mother.

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