The latest in our ongoing no-sleep saga....
Since Chris has such a long commute, I get up with Izzy 99% of the time during the work week, and he takes weekends. So last night Izzy cries out, I nudge Chris, and he gets up. I go back to sleep and wake up at 6:30 with my back killing me. BECAUSE I WAS ALONE IN BED. That's anger I'm expressing there. Not because my back hurt [which was because I'm used to being curled up on my 3 inches of bed and I must have went a little nuts with the bed all to myself] but because I wasted many hours of my sleep this week trying to make this stupid crying it out thing work, and Chris ruined it last night.
I stomp down the hall, and there's Chris, curled up in the recliner with our adorable son sleeping soundly at his side. My fury was surely palable, because Chris woke up. Or maybe it was the daggers I was shooting from my bleary eyes. "Are you COMPLETELY retarded??" I asked Chris. "Don't you realize that holding him all night in the chair is no different than him sleeping with us?!!!" [Excuse my non-pc use of the word "retarded." I know it's offensive and I should never use it, but this blog has integrity, even if the author doesn't.] He looks at me as if he actually is truly retarded, so I get the baby, put him in his crib and I stomp back to bed. Chris goes to let the dogs out, and I realize my back is killing me, so I go and get Tylenol. See, I would have died rather than get the Tylenol had Chris come straight to bed. God forbid I would let the chance for a confrontation go by ME.
I run back to bed, so as to beat Chris there, and I light into him as soon as he hits the doorway. "Do you even realize what you've done? All week I've wasted tons of sleeping time and went to work exhausted, and you can't even stand there for FIVE minutes and on the weekend at that?!" Chris flips out and starts acting like a petulant foul-mouthed brat, which he does whenever I want to fight and he's tired. His entire excuse, which he find perfectly acceptable, is that he was tired. TIRED! Can you believe that crap?
I've decided to just let Chris get up with Izzy for the next few nights. That'll show him. [Evil, maniacal laughter.] I'm now trying something new anyways, which is to cut out his morning nap altogether. My mom keeps him during the day, and she says he normally sleeps until about noon. She thinks he may have his days and nights a little messed up. That's what we did yesterday, but since last nights results are skewed [grrrrrrrrrrrrr] we tried it again today, and man, did he ever go down easy tonight.
I rocked him and gave him his bottle (it's the only one during the day he gets now) and kept him awake. As usual, he screamed when I walked away, so I went into the kitchen, rinsed out his bottle, and I walked back to lay him back down. He had thrown his paci to the floor, so I picked it up for him, tucked him back in, and he was out before I pulled the covers up. That's been several hours ago, and all is well. Hopefully he'll sleep good tonight, so I can get this blog back to more interesting baby things. But as all of you mommies know, when you're not sleeping, that's all that's on your mind!
But here's a cute little thing that happened today: we were all playing on the bed, and Izzy picked up his paci and started sucking on it. He's only allowed a paci when he's in bed, so I said, "Izzy give mommy your paci." He reached up and handed it to me! I was so excited because that's the first time that I can really tell he knew EXACTLY what I had said. He's handed me things before when I've asked for them, but I've always had my hand stuck out as a clue.
One more, REALLY, REALLY cute story: we were all over at my sister Crystal's tonight, and my other sister Micki had her little 5 month old, Noah, laying in the floor. Mom also keeps him and his big sister, Maddie, who is 6 years old, along with Izzy, so they are all as close as siblings. Izzy went over to Noah and lighted patted him on the head, leaned over and kissed him, and said, "Awwwww," just like we all do when we're oohing and aahing over a baby. It was so incredibly sweet. Izzy loves his cousins. Like I said, Izzy needs a little brother or sister... speaking of which, I've got work to do, so I better sign off for now.
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