Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Will life ever be normal again?

I THINK so. Maybe. Today has been a good day. Izzy is calming down, and Sophie has been, as usual, good as gold. In fact, her terrible cold has made her even better than normal, but those terrible hacking coughs scare me to death every time.

Speaking of death, there is nothing more worrisome than being a mom. You know that the chances of losing one of your children, especially to a cold, are phenomenally small, but the worry is still there. Especially because you know that every mom thinks this, and some of them do lose their children. Chris thinks I'm borderline nuts because I have thoughts like these, but I think he's not attached enough to his kids since he doesn't. Okay, that's a little harsh, but I pretty sure the mommy bond goes a lot deeper than the daddy one. Especially since I'm staying home now, I feel like others HAVE to be able to physically see the bond between me and my little ones.

Speaking of staying at home have I mentioned lately how much I love this job? And job it is, because the work is never done. But the rewards are far greater than any paycheck I've ever gotten. But man, do I miss those paychecks. I also miss the equality. I don't mind keeping house, but would it kill the other adult in this household to put a bag in the diaper pail? Apparently, yes.

But it's all so worth it. The pain and difficulty of the last three weeks has been erased. I remember it, but it's vague, almost like I saw it on TV. I think that I could now have another c-section without too much worry. Because my emotions were FAR more stable this time around, and even taking the hospital stay into account, my recovery went faster. Episiotomies suck, and let's just leave it at that. But don't worry, honey. I think I'm still cool with the snip-snip.

I know I sound like a broken record, but LIFE IS SO GOOD. I love my family! It's the perfect little family I always dreamed of, and Izzy is the big brother I'd hoped he would be.

Of course, this is one thing that's definitely not back to normal - my writing style. I'm not the gushy, emotional type, so I'm a little embarrassed to read this flowery stuff I've written lately. Where's the sarcasm?? Where's the wit?? Bear with me. I'm sure I'll be my same old self soon.

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