Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sophie-bug!!

TWO YEARS OLD. Man, time flies when you're having fun, and we are. You are a riot. You're headstrong, independent, demanding and stubborn. But you're also so sweet and loving (when you want to be) and you are a very funny little girl.

Your second year on this earth has been full of upheaval. Not only have you been growing and changing in vast and wondrous ways, but we were in the process of selling our house the whole year long. That's sucked pretty hard for you, seriously. Many of your toys were packed up long ago in anticipation of the quick sell that never happened. We never imagined you would outgrow many of the toys we packed up about 18 months ago before we'd sell that house and move into a new one. Not to mention that I couldn't let you get the toys we didn't pack out all over the house, because we might be called upon to show the house at a moment's notice. I feel terrible about that, but it will all be worth it in the long run. Your dad and I are going to look at more houses tomorrow, and with any luck we'll have one for you when we get home.

It was a good year too, though. You grew a little hair. Emphasis on little. But I did manage to pull a little tiny bit up into hair bands for your portraits today. You did so well! They look like they're going to be your best pictures yet. You smiled like an angel for every shot.

After the pictures, we picked up some pizzas and helium balloons and headed to the park for your big birthday party at the city park!! It was a BLAST!!! Not a lot of people - me, Daddy, Izzy, both sets of grandparents, Mimi, Uncle Johnny, and Noah, Great Aunt Nancy and your cousin Brittany and her boyfriend Aaron - but like PaPa Ray said, it was one of the nicest parties we've ever had. You had a great time eating all of your cake. You didn't have a single bite of it last year because you were so sick, so it was nice to see you enjoy it today.

You spent a large part of today running around in your little Kermit the Frog panties. I felt pretty safe letting you only wear panties instead of a pull-up because you took my by the hand this morning and led me to the potty where you pooped (woo-hoo!!). At the very end of your three hour party, Brittany asked your daddy and me if you were totally potty trained yet. We told her no, you were about 80%, but you still weren't completely there on the pooping yet. You were climbing trees with Izzy and Noah at the time, and Mimi and Uncle Johnny were taking your all's pictures and called me over. I went by the trees and picked you up after you nearly toppled down the hill and as I carried you back to the shelter, you pooped. Yep. Less than two minutes after our conversation with Brittany. It was nice of you to support my point, but not so nice of you to poop in your cutest panties. But it was your birthday, so I guess you can poop your pants if you want to.

As you unwrapped your gifts this afternoon, you took each new baby doll (you got three) as soon as you opened it and loved it for a moment, then carefully placed it beside you so they could watch you unwrap your presents. After we got home, you sat in the floor beside me and gently rocked them one by one to sleep, singing a sweet lullaby to each of them. You are as onery as the day is long, but you are sweet as sugar too.

You are a very good baby, Sue-bird. No, I guess you're a very good preschooler now, aren't you? You've gotten so tall this past year, and lovelier by the day, which is good. Your dad frequently tells you that with your personality, you'd better be pretty when you grow up. He's teasing of course. Your strong personality makes you a challenging child at times, it's true, but it makes you a very interesting one all the time. You're are the apple of our eyes, and Daddy and I would like to second what Izzy "read" to you today from one of your birthday cards, "Baby, you're my best friend in the whole world!" We love you very much, and we hope the very happy day you had today is a sign of the great year ahead of you.

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