Monday, September 10, 2007

Drumming my fingers.

Today is one of the two mornings a week I'm going to be having to myself, with both kids in preschool. It's only my second morning alone, but I have to tell you it's weird to be here all by myself.

It's 11:27 now, the preschool is only three minutes away, and school ends at noon for both of them. I've been the first car there to pick them up too many times already now. I just get antsy when it's just about time to go pick them up, so I end up leaving too early and just sitting over there fretting instead of doing something constructive here.

I've been on the computer the ENTIRE time today. Well, that's not completely true, because I did drop off a prescription and get a couple of watch batteries. But since I've been home, I haven't even gone upstairs. There's tons of stuff that I need to do, including BALANCE THE CHECKBOOK, but instead I've just played around down here on the computer.

I read about Britney Spear's lousy performance on the VMA's last night. I sent pics of my new house to a couple of old coworkers who'd asked for them a couple of months ago. I researched Crohn's disease, since my sister might have this. I harassed Chris via several e-mail exchanges over putting his dirty laundry downstairs in the right hampers. I instituted a one-woman work stoppage: no laundry will be done until the soiled clothes are in the proper location. I read e-mail and looked at cute pics on my baby board.

You know, now that I think about it, it's been kind of nice to just play around for an hour or so with no kids screeching for me, and no peanut butter smeared fingers in my hair. I'm not saying that I always mind it, but it's going to be kind of nice to be clean a couple of mornings a week.

But now it's 11:32, so I guess I'll head on over to the church.

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