Monday, June 09, 2008

A little trip back in time.

In my efforts to waste an incredible amount of time today on the computer, I decided to give the ol' pregnancy hormones a workout and read old blog posts.

Like this one. *happy sigh* I can't wait to do the same thing to this little newbie.


Anonymous said...

That post says that Sohpie was your last one. What happened?

Mama Luvins said...

It's not what happened so much as what DIDN'T happen due to certain wussy streak in a certain husband of mine.

Maisyday said...

As tough as it has been, I know you are happy that Sophie wasn't your last. As soon as you hold this baby girl in your arms, you are going to wonder why you ever thought you wanted to finish with just two.

MaMa Norma said...

Ok Ok so I didn't really want you to have a third baby cause I worried about my own baby. BUT I'm thrilled to be looking forward to another beautiful granddaughter in a short time.